Stephen Coughlin is a leading expert in the United States on Islamic Doctrine, specifically as it relates to the "doctrinal drivers of jihad" that affect our national security. He is also the founder and President of Unconstrained Analytics, LLC.
Before retiring as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Reserves, Stephen Coughlin was assigned to the Intelligence Directorate (J2) of both the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and United States Central Command (CENTCOM), where he had responsibility for intelligence support to strategic communications and information operations as it related to the War on Terror, as well as operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and related areas. Upon leaving active duty, Major Coughlin was sought out to support Joint Staff efforts along these same concerns. Coughlin is an attorney with a background in International and comparative law. (Read more)
There is a critical need to educate Americans at all levels of society, from national leaders to private citizens, as to the true nature of the existential threat that is overtaking both the American way of life and the Constitution while the country sleeps. Often the threat operates in a manner that appears friendly and helpful early on, yet whose stated objective is the destruction of Western civilization as we know it.
The refusal of our national leadership to come to grips with this threat is just one manifestation of the slow-motion catastrophe that can be laid at the very feet of the people responsible for protecting the country and the Constitution. To reverse this trend, the first step is to educate the American people on the specific nature of that threat, and its strategic and media alliances, as well as to become aware of the modus operandi of their enemy so they can be recognized, resisted, and then defeated at all levels. It starts with an informed citizenry!
Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq.
November 8, 2012
Shariah: The Threat To America: An Exercise In Competitive Analysis (Report of Team B II) [Paperback]
William J Boykin, Harry Edward Soyster, Henry Cooper, Stephen C. Coughlin, et al., authors
September 22, 2010
To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad
Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq.
July 2, 2007
(Thesis submitted to the faculty of the National Defense Intelligence College in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence)
Stephen Coughlin, Part 1: Lectures on National Security & Counterterror Analysis (Introduction)
Stephen Coughlin, Part 2: Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Stephen Coughlin, Part 3: Abrogation & the 'Milestones' Process
Stephen Coughlin, Part 4: Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring & the 'Milestones' Process
Stephen Coughlin, Part 5: The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
Maj. Stephen Coughlin questions members of the OIC 'HRC' in DC, Dec. 13 2012
Stephen Coughlin on Glenn Beck, September 14, 2012
Steve Coughlin's Speech on Jihad and Islam for Freedom Defense Initiative
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
Maj. Stephen Coughlin questions members of the OIC 'HRC' in DC Dec 13 2012 [12-15-2012]
Stephen Coughlin, Days of Rage (Excerpt)
Stephen Coughlin: Who's Innocent, According to Shariah?
Benghazi: US Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine
Steven Coughlin Remarks on the Benghazi Embassy Cover Up
David Reaboi, Center for Security Policy
February 27, 2013
Stephen Coughlin: The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Law, and the Death Sentence Against Terry Jones
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
December 3, 2012
Major Stephen Coughlin: the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
Sheik Yermami
July 14, 2012
Expert on Islam and Sharia Stephen Coughlin interviewed on slander, defamation of Islam and Sharia worldwide
Tundra Tabloids
March 12, 2012
New Evidence of Anti-Islam Bias Underscores Deep Challenges for FBI's Reform Pledge
Spencer Ackerman, Wired.com
September 23, 2011
Archives: Steve Coughlin
The Counter Jihad Report
From October 17, 2011 -
Coughlin for Beginners
Jeffrey Breinholt
January 28, 2008
Pentagon Mysteries: The Coughlin Case and Who Is Hesham Islam?
Claudia Rosett, The Rosett Report
January 25, 2008
Stephen Coughlin's Thesis
Carol Iannone, National Review Online
January 23, 2008
Congressmen seek answers about Islamic law expert's firing
Jihad Watch
January 16, 2008
Saving Major Coughlin
Andrew G. Bostom, American Thinker
January 15, 2008
Stephen Coughlin's Treatise on Jihad
Andrew Bostom
January 12, 2008
Islamism and Challenges to Resources for U.S. Strategic Planning Against Jihad
Jeffrey Imm, Counterterrorism Blog
January 12, 2008
Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon
Steven Emerson, Fox News
January 11, 2008
The Implications of the Dismissal of Stephen Coughlin, Joint Staff, Pentagon
Jihad Watch
January 11, 2008
Foul Play
Diana West, The Washington Times
January 11, 2008
Coughlin Backed
Bill Gertz, The Washington Times
January 11, 2008
The Islamist Argument on the Koran
Douglas Farah, Counterterrorism Blog
January 11, 2008
A Purple Heart in war of ideas?
The Washington Times
January 8, 2008
Coughlin Sacked
Bill Gertz, The Washington Times
January 4, 2008
It is important to note that not only do all three elements claim Islam as their guiding principle, but all three declare their objective to be the re-establishment of the Caliphate (the Global Islamic State) and the re-implementation of Shari'a (Islamic Law) as the law of the land, first within the Muslim World and then throughout the entire world.
With a track record that confirms the ongoing accuracy of his analysis and warning through time, Mr. Coughlin is among a small group of people who have accurately described the doctrine of both the Muslim Brotherhood and the OIC, identified their key organizations and leaders – as well as their penetration into the U.S. National Security decision-making process – and detailed the catastrophic effect their influence has had on U.S. foreign policy, including their assault on the sovereignty of our national and state governments.
We are fighting adversaries who use low-tech strategies to attack and evade a technology-dependent defense establishment. While technologies change, covert organizing principles are historic, persist over time, and are capable of running cross-culturally. Against overwhelming U.S. technological and resource superiority, terrorists, insurgents, spies, and others continue to employ rudimentary means – guided by ideologies reliant on subversive human networks – to conceal their operations.
In line with the constitutional mandate to define all threats in terms of their risk to the Constitution (Article VI of the Constitution), Mr. Coughlin seeks to establish a fact-based awareness of subversive threats in order to first bring them to light, then to counter them, and finally to defeat them. Disfavored are those soft-science rationalizations and theoretical methodologies used to justify both threat actions and friendly inactions.
Before retiring as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Reserves, Stephen Coughlin was assigned to the Intelligence Directorate (J2) of both the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and United States Central Command (CENTCOM), where he had responsibility for intelligence support to strategic communications and information operations as it related to the War on Terror, as well as operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and related areas. Upon leaving active duty, Major Coughlin was sought out to support Joint Staff efforts along these same concerns. Coughlin is an attorney with a background in International and comparative law. (Read more)
The Problem
As Americans have sensed for some time and are now increasingly aware, something has gone very wrong with their country. Their senses do not betray them. As the potential destruction of our way of life becomes more and more understood by the general population, it becomes more disturbing to learn that a threat has creeped deeply into the foundational structures of the nation unchecked – often reflecting the merging of efforts between the Islamic Movement and Alinskyist organizations that play themselves out through the postmodern narrative.There is a critical need to educate Americans at all levels of society, from national leaders to private citizens, as to the true nature of the existential threat that is overtaking both the American way of life and the Constitution while the country sleeps. Often the threat operates in a manner that appears friendly and helpful early on, yet whose stated objective is the destruction of Western civilization as we know it.
The refusal of our national leadership to come to grips with this threat is just one manifestation of the slow-motion catastrophe that can be laid at the very feet of the people responsible for protecting the country and the Constitution. To reverse this trend, the first step is to educate the American people on the specific nature of that threat, and its strategic and media alliances, as well as to become aware of the modus operandi of their enemy so they can be recognized, resisted, and then defeated at all levels. It starts with an informed citizenry!
Mission Statement
Our objective is to provide fact-based analysis and education to support sound strategic forecasting and real situational awareness, and thus facilitate effective decision-making, in regard to select national security threats, with a primary focus on those threats understood foremost in terms of the risk to the Constitution through subversion.Writings
Postmortem on the 2012 electionStephen C. Coughlin, Esq.
November 8, 2012
Shariah: The Threat To America: An Exercise In Competitive Analysis (Report of Team B II) [Paperback]
William J Boykin, Harry Edward Soyster, Henry Cooper, Stephen C. Coughlin, et al., authors
September 22, 2010
To Our Great Detriment: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad
Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq.
July 2, 2007
(Thesis submitted to the faculty of the National Defense Intelligence College in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence)
Interview with Stephen Coughlin, Dec. 1, 2012, on Slander, defamation of Islam, and worldwide ShariaStephen Coughlin, Part 1: Lectures on National Security & Counterterror Analysis (Introduction)
Stephen Coughlin, Part 2: Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law
Stephen Coughlin, Part 3: Abrogation & the 'Milestones' Process
Stephen Coughlin, Part 4: Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring & the 'Milestones' Process
Stephen Coughlin, Part 5: The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
Maj. Stephen Coughlin questions members of the OIC 'HRC' in DC, Dec. 13 2012
Stephen Coughlin on Glenn Beck, September 14, 2012
Steve Coughlin's Speech on Jihad and Islam for Freedom Defense Initiative
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
Maj. Stephen Coughlin questions members of the OIC 'HRC' in DC Dec 13 2012 [12-15-2012]
Stephen Coughlin, Days of Rage (Excerpt)
Stephen Coughlin: Who's Innocent, According to Shariah?
Benghazi: US Foreign Policy and the Influence of Shariah Doctrine
Steven Coughlin Remarks on the Benghazi Embassy Cover Up
Articles on Stephen Coughlin's contributions to counterterrorism and national security
National Security Experts Warn: Reject BrennanDavid Reaboi, Center for Security Policy
February 27, 2013
Stephen Coughlin: The Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Law, and the Death Sentence Against Terry Jones
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna
December 3, 2012
Major Stephen Coughlin: the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
Sheik Yermami
July 14, 2012
Expert on Islam and Sharia Stephen Coughlin interviewed on slander, defamation of Islam and Sharia worldwide
Tundra Tabloids
March 12, 2012
New Evidence of Anti-Islam Bias Underscores Deep Challenges for FBI's Reform Pledge
Spencer Ackerman, Wired.com
September 23, 2011
Archives: Steve Coughlin
The Counter Jihad Report
From October 17, 2011 -
Coughlin for Beginners
Jeffrey Breinholt
January 28, 2008
Pentagon Mysteries: The Coughlin Case and Who Is Hesham Islam?
Claudia Rosett, The Rosett Report
January 25, 2008
Stephen Coughlin's Thesis
Carol Iannone, National Review Online
January 23, 2008
Congressmen seek answers about Islamic law expert's firing
Jihad Watch
January 16, 2008
Saving Major Coughlin
Andrew G. Bostom, American Thinker
January 15, 2008
Stephen Coughlin's Treatise on Jihad
Andrew Bostom
January 12, 2008
Islamism and Challenges to Resources for U.S. Strategic Planning Against Jihad
Jeffrey Imm, Counterterrorism Blog
January 12, 2008
Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon
Steven Emerson, Fox News
January 11, 2008
The Implications of the Dismissal of Stephen Coughlin, Joint Staff, Pentagon
Jihad Watch
January 11, 2008
Foul Play
Diana West, The Washington Times
January 11, 2008
Coughlin Backed
Bill Gertz, The Washington Times
January 11, 2008
The Islamist Argument on the Koran
Douglas Farah, Counterterrorism Blog
January 11, 2008
A Purple Heart in war of ideas?
The Washington Times
January 8, 2008
Coughlin Sacked
Bill Gertz, The Washington Times
January 4, 2008
Additional Details on the Threat
The Global Islamic Movement includes the fifty-seven member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation – the OIC (formally representing all Muslim countries), the Muslim Brotherhood (the "vanguard" of the Movement), and al-Qaeda and related Jihadi entities (the "shock troops" of the Movement).It is important to note that not only do all three elements claim Islam as their guiding principle, but all three declare their objective to be the re-establishment of the Caliphate (the Global Islamic State) and the re-implementation of Shari'a (Islamic Law) as the law of the land, first within the Muslim World and then throughout the entire world.
With a track record that confirms the ongoing accuracy of his analysis and warning through time, Mr. Coughlin is among a small group of people who have accurately described the doctrine of both the Muslim Brotherhood and the OIC, identified their key organizations and leaders – as well as their penetration into the U.S. National Security decision-making process – and detailed the catastrophic effect their influence has had on U.S. foreign policy, including their assault on the sovereignty of our national and state governments.
We are fighting adversaries who use low-tech strategies to attack and evade a technology-dependent defense establishment. While technologies change, covert organizing principles are historic, persist over time, and are capable of running cross-culturally. Against overwhelming U.S. technological and resource superiority, terrorists, insurgents, spies, and others continue to employ rudimentary means – guided by ideologies reliant on subversive human networks – to conceal their operations.
In line with the constitutional mandate to define all threats in terms of their risk to the Constitution (Article VI of the Constitution), Mr. Coughlin seeks to establish a fact-based awareness of subversive threats in order to first bring them to light, then to counter them, and finally to defeat them. Disfavored are those soft-science rationalizations and theoretical methodologies used to justify both threat actions and friendly inactions.