The Faith and Freedom Foundation is a non-profit educational, charitable organization, dedicated to restoring Christian faith and the principles of America's founding fathers to their rightful place in our national life. It is not a political organization, and takes no position on candidates or elections. Rather, it aims to inspire and inform Americans of all parties and persuasions about the God-given rights that undergird our republic, and empower their Christ-Centered Citizenship vocation.
Life is a God-given right from fertilization to natural death!
We at the Faith and Freedom Foundation believe the right to life of all innocent persons, from fertilization to natural death, is God-given and unalienable. That is why we consider it to be a moral imperative to educate and advocate that the United States fully establish in law that Personhood is granted by our Creator to all human beings from the very beginning of their biological development.
For the principled man or woman, no compromise is possible concerning such a critical matter of life and death. We believe that violators of this supreme right, in words or actions, are unfit for any office of public trust, since any such violation constitutes the breaking of the oath of office and the ultimate destruction of the very basis of our liberty.
Judges who attempt to legislate from the bench, or who abandon the clear principles of our Constitution, must be checked if liberty and justice are to prevail in our society once again.
Personhood of all unborn children must be recognized
Why, you may ask? Because the stated ultimate purpose of the United States Constitution is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity." To that end, the Faith and Freedom Foundation recognizes the personhood of all unborn children and their protection by the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments. We educate and encourage our fellow citizens tirelessly in this cause.
The Declaration of Independence states plainly that we are all created equal, endowed by our Creator with our basic human rights. But if human beings can decide who is human and who is not, the doctrine of God-given rights is utterly corrupted.
For these and similar reasons, abortion must be understood as the unjust taking of a human life and a breach of the fundamental principles of our public moral creed. Some people talk about "viability" as a test to determine which human offspring have rights that we must respect, and which do not.
But "might does not make right." So the mere fact that the person in the womb is wholly in its mother's physical power and completely dependent upon her for sustenance gives her no right whatsoever with respect to its life -- since the mere possession of physical power can never confer such a right. Therefore, medical procedures resulting in the death of the unborn child, except as an unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother's physical life, are impermissible.
Research must not experiment with human life
No medical advance, and certainly no material profit, justifies denying the claim to humanity of the embryonic human person. Such "standards" rapidly devolve to enabling the ghoulishly inhumane and grotesquely callous "doctors" and practices the nation now sees on expose' videos of Planned Parenthood and its slaughterhouse collaborators. Those who try to justify the blood trafficking of abortion are driven from one tortured rationalization to another, none addressing the real issue. Being undeveloped, unconscious, unattractive, small or unwanted -- these are not reasons that we accept in any other context for failing to respect the wholeness of moral worth that every human being has from his Creator. Why, therefore, should we accept it in regard to human life and embryonic research?
No -- we do not have the right to take human life merely because it is unconscious, or because it is undeveloped or damaged, or for any other reason that tempts us to deny the equal dignity of all human persons. We ourselves don't want to be used as the basis for experiments without regard for our humanity -- and neither should they.
Constitutional amendment for life from conception
The most important thing you can do to help the Faith and Freedom Foundation restore legal protection to the unborn is to champion an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that makes it crystal clear that the right to life of all human beings, from conception to natural death, must be respected. It's simple. It's clear. It must be done. A president of decency committed to our Declaration and Constitution would issue an executive order immediately granting the full protection of the presidency, and every element of the executive branch, to the life in the womb -- and then extend the full power and prestige of his office to ensure a Human Life-Personhood Amendment became ratified as law during his administration.
Constitution Preamble includes our unborn posterity
We also need to reiterate and relearn as a decent people the truth that, in the Preamble to our Constitution, the ultimate aim of our government is to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." Our posterity includes many we can't even imagine, who have not yet been born. Surely, it includes those who are sleeping in the womb. We must educate America's voters to make sure that no more judges are appointed to the Supreme Court who do not strictly respect the Constitution's mandate to secure the liberties of our posterity.
The Faith and Freedom Foundation thus insists only judges who refuse to legislate from the bench be nominated to the federal courts! It's imperitive that every president be made to see it's mandatory to nominate only judges who are demonstrably faithful to the judicial role of following only the text of the Constitution. The Constitution requires jurists who will not only refuse to legislate from the bench but who are committed to righting judicial wrongs; reversing prior court decisions where activist judges strayed from justice and legislated from the bench.
No tax funding for organizations promoting abortion
Clearly, no taxpayer dollars should go to any entity that promotes or performs abortions! Neither should our government give aid to other countries that would go toward funding abortion. Until the Human Life-Personhood Amendement is a reality in law, the Faith and Freedom Foundation will educate and advocate for all taypayer or public funding of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers be ended, whether corporate or governmental!
Summing it up: Abortion is unjust and immoral!
If the Declaration of Independence states our creed, there can be no right to abortion, since it means denying the most fundamental right of all, to human offspring in the womb. But if human beings can decide who is human and who is not, the doctrine of God-given rights is utterly corrupted. Abortion is the unjust taking of a human life and a breach of the fundamental principles of our public moral creed.
Mothers have no right to take a fetus' life! Some people talk about "viability" as a test to determine which offspring have rights that we must respect and which do not. The mere fact that the individual in the womb is wholly in its mother's physical power and completely dependent upon her for sustenance gives her no right whatsoever with respect to its life. Medical procedures resulting in the death of an unborn child, except as a collateral and unintended consequence of efforts to save the mother's physical life, are therefore impermissible.
Abortion issue epitomizes corruption of freedom
I talk about abortion not just because of the issue in and of itself, but because I think it epitomizes the deeper issue, which is the corruption of our idea of freedom -- a corruption that is really killing us. I think abortion is a very dramatic example of that corruption and its consequences, because obviously that has direct consequences for the heart that we need to sustain the family. If we harden our hearts against our offspring, and if we aggrandize our self-fulfillment to the extent that we are willing to kill our offspring, that is the extreme case of the self-centered and egotistical and self-worshipping concept of freedom I think is being promoted in various ways in the society.
We are not going to remain a free people if we arrogate to ourselves the right to destroy the rights of others. And that is exactly what we are doing when we embrace the so-called "pro-choice" agenda -- which is actually just the pro-abortion, pro-death-on-demand agenda.
The Faith and Freedom Foundation makes an exception only for the physical life of the mother, medically prioritizing her physical survival over that of her unborn infant. Given the unalienable right to life, including self-preservation, we see no way in principle to avoid making this exception. Law cannot compel conscience to sacrifice one's life for one's child. In the very extraordinary cases where such medical conflict is present, we commend with our prayers and approbation the poignant maternal love that perseveres to save both lives. But the pro-life movement has too often in the past ACCEPTED the illicitly broad and endlessly abused "health of the mother" and rape and incest exceptions, arguing their concession as a matter of political necessity; that such is the best legislation we could achieve at the time. I see no grounds in principle for making these exceptions, and Faith and Freedom Foundation rejects them in all policy and law. As a matter of political prudence it would be suicidal for the pro-life movement to reject the people who labor for these laws -- instead, we must educate them in a more wise and principled pro-life path and continue to advocate for one hundred percent protection of God-given innocent life.

Ambassador Alan Keyes
Chairman, Faith & Freedom Foundation
Former DOD Official Warns America Is On The Wrong Track To Fighting Islamic Jihad in America [VIDEO]
As our Republic moves forward from our 240th Independence Day festivities, we implore our friends to pause for 30 minutes and listen to this vital interview with a modern-day Paul Revere, Rich Higgins, brought by our friend and ally, patriot Ginni Thomas.
Rich Higgins is a former Defense Dep't official whom a mutual friend described as the closest person she knows to Jack Bauer (of "24" fame). He specializes in political warfare and battling ideologically inspired terrorism.
Rich Higgins has deep, first-hand knowledge of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government. He knows people who have lost their jobs because they started connecting the dots and seeing the treachery at work .... people like Phil Haney, whose book See Something, Say Nothing I have encouraged you to read. Rich warns that Islamists are "weaponizing political correctness" to shield themselves from criticism and keep us blinded to their ultimate objectives.
Our Constitutional Republic, our way of life are in jeopardy. Please be informed. And speak with courage to expose treachery and to defend our nation – and the future liberty of our children and grandchildren.

See also: Stephen Coughlin's Countering Jihad Project
The Secularization of Campus Religion
Vanderbilt University's Dangerous Flirtation with Religious Suppression
Sign the Petition Letter of Protest to Vanderbilt University
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos