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Abolition of abortion ·
March 6, 2020, Alan Keyes' Address to Bringing America Back to Life Convention, Independence, Ohio (video) ·
August 9th, 2019, Alan Keyes' address to Champions of Liberty Rally, Erlanger, KY (video edit and full address)
Excerpt: "The Constitution demands it. Roe versus Wade has collapsed. Roe versus Wade is dead. Roe versus Wade can have no force of law because it plainly violates the Constitution's demand that no person be deprived of life without due process... we must stand with one voice and demand of all those who claim they represent us, that every abortion clinic under the power of any executive in our nation must be shut down forthwith, so that our Constitution does not stand abandoned!" Timeless truths ·
May 1,
1995, Alan Keyes’ Address to Newt Gingrich's GOPAC, Washington, D.C. (transcript
and video) Excerpt: “In American history, you
never get away from the Declaration issues. They haunt you until you resolve
them, or until they resolve you. . . . The
abortion issue is a Declaration issue.
It's an issue that goes to the very heart of our principles and how we
apply them.” ·
September 10, 1995, Alan Keyes’ Address to the
Christian Coalition, Washington, D.C. (transcript and
video) Excerpt: “I'll tell you. I'll be
honest. I think that we have got to make the restoration of the moral and
material foundations of the marriage-based family the number one priority of
this nation's life. Nothing is more important. Not the budget, not the
deficit, not the taxes, not the power of the federal government or the state
government. We will rebuild our
families, or we will perish ·
May 16, 2010, “The GOP’s uncivil
union-pro-life voters, pro-abortion money” (Loyal to Liberty essay) Excerpt: “It has become painfully clear over the years that there are
undeniable ‘internal conflicts’ over abortion and other moral issues
in the heart of the GOP. Whether it’s Republican First Ladies or
influential pro-‘abortion rights’ donors and fundraisers, the
Party has plowed the furrow of its electoral ambitions with a team that
unequally yokes so-called ‘pro-choice’ donors with a conservative
base that is emphatically pro-life.” ·
July 30, 2007, Crisis of the
Republic #9, “‘Abortion Rights’ and the moral
threat to freedom” (RenewAmerica essay) Excerpt: “The moral principles of
the Declaration of Independence, and the moral character required to sustain
them, are the bedrock foundations of American liberty. Politicians who
disregard these essentials in order to win votes may pose as the champion of this
or that individual right, but as Hamilton observes in the Federalist #1, they are likely to be among "those
... who have overturned the liberties of republics ... commencing demagogues,
and ending tyrants." ·
April 27, 2007, “Gardeners of Evil” (RenewAmerica essay) Excerpt: “We will finally get the leaders America needs
only when we resolve to become the citizens of conscience and principle that
we ought to be. For God and our posterity, now is the time.” ·
October 8, 2006, “Worldwide Sanctity of
Life” Blue Army of our Lady of Faith, EWTN (transcript
and video) Excerpt: “I think God wants us to
remember, also, all of those innocent lives that are claimed when we don't
see it—sometimes in places far away that don't touch us, in wars, in
famines, and other things sometimes induced by human greed and lust and
wickedness, but also the death of those innocents that disappear without our
ken because we do not wish to acknowledge their lives, even as here, in the
United States, we now proclaim the right to do to death the infant sleeping
in the womb.” ·
August 18, 2004, City Club of Chicago,
“Morality and economics” (transcript and video) Excerpt: “Now, some folks I know
have been a little critical of me, because since I stepped into the state, I
have had near my heart and on my lips the great moral principles that are at
the basis of this nation's founding, and I have talked about the great moral
crisis that we are in, and the issue of moral principle, abortion, that is at
the heart of that crisis. And I have done so quite clearly and quite
consciously. I want to let
everybody know, because people are raising questions about this, and
some people are saying, ‘He's just a one-issue candidate,’ and so
forth and so on. I want to make perfectly clear that the Alan Keyes that is
here today is the Alan Keyes who has been speaking out and working, year
after year, and over the decades, with people of good heart, and I will
continue to do so.” ·
August 24, 2001, Renewing American Principle Tour
kick-off (transcript) Excerpt: “We are in the midst of the crisis that results from so
many years when we've been turning our back on this truth. And we've been listening to those who
offer the siren's song of self-worship to our people, convincing us that
because we've made these and those great truths and we have all this
wonderful wealth and we have triumphed so often against our enemies, that
that's all we need now, we just need that power. And if we can open up new
avenues and vistas of success, then through that science we shall be, as the
serpent promised in the Garden of Eden, as gods. You want to know the
interesting thing, though? That's no longer a kind of abstract speculation,
is it? No. We have folks who are
standing right now in the precincts of our science and they're offering to us
this very prize: ‘And ye shall be as God.’ And one of the first
things they're trying to tell us
is that we shall now be the creators of life.” ·
June 23, 2001, “Declaring the right to
live” (WorldNetDaily
essay) Excerpt: “The movement against partial-birth abortion had, from the beginning,
two kinds of pro-life supporters. Both sides agreed that an advantage of
choosing this aspect of the abortion issue was that here, at least,
there was some reasonable
possibility of success. But one group was drawn to the issue because of its powerful
presentation — magnification, if you will — of the universal
principles that are necessarily involved in any abortion. The other group was
drawn to it for the largely opposite reason that it offered an opportunity to
be successfully "pro-life" while remaining a comfortable distance
from those pesky moral principles.” ·
October 28, 2000, speech at the Calvary Church in
Southern California
(transcript) Excerpt: “We do not have a crisis because we are losing our
families; we are losing our families because we have turned this nation's
heart from its allegiance to God Almighty. That is the source of all our
ills.” ·
September 22, 2000, “America’s Unity
Call” (transcript and video) Excerpt: “Why shouldn't someone believe that we will ignore the
cries of the poor, that we will harden our hearts against the needs of our
neighbors, that we will not care for the requirements of our aging parents
and friends, since we are so willing callously to disregard the voiceless
cries of our helpless future in the womb? It boils down to that in the end.
Some people always say, "Why does he always get back to that?" I'll
tell you why I always get back to abortion: because we can't have it both
ways. Either our rights come from God, or they come from a human choice.
Either our rights are here by the will of God, or they're here by our mother's choice. Either we must
respect the integrity of God's choice in every human being, in every human
life, because it is God's word and God's will before we have anything to do
with it, or not a single one of us are safe in our claim to rights and
freedoms.” ·
July 01, 2000, “Standing in the path of
evil” (WorldNetDaily
essay) Excerpt: “It is still a great privilege to be an American citizen
and to be able to fight abortion in the political arena, rather than in the
streets and barricades. I count as a great privilege every day that I am able
to spend as a free American, fully participating in our political life. In
our frustration and anger at the corruption of American political culture, it
is easy to dismiss the unique opportunity this privilege still presents us.
But those of us who come somewhat recently from a heritage without this privilege
understand how precious and important it is to be able to stand up, to speak
out, to vote and to run for office. My resolve to fight the political battle
against abortion to the end is inspired partly by the fact that my ancestors
were denied the privileges of citizenship and enslaved for such a long period
in our nation's history by the very principle that abortion represents: that
it is possible for some human beings to have a property right in the life of
others and to act in such a way that their power gives them the
"right" to disregard the basic dignity of innocent human
life.” ·
May 12, 2000, Rally in Idaho Falls, Idaho (transcript) Excerpt: “And,
of course, the beauty of it is that that also represents, doesn't it, the key
to understanding the basis for our moral character. If we acknowledge that
our rights come from God, then it follows that the same rights that we get
from His authority must be used in ways that respect His authority. And when
folks come to us and want to substitute human choice, and human will, and
human convenience for our respect for that choice which God has made to
implant in each and every human being a kernel of His divine will, which we
must respect, whoever we may be ·
April 29, 2000, Renew America rally in Alabama (transcript) Excerpt: “Our rights don't come
from God if they are based upon our mother's choice. And once we have
banished God from the throne of that authority, then we have no claim to
liberty or dignity that cannot, in the end, be trampled down and destroyed by
the superior power of force, or wealth, or ability. And one of the things
this nation is suppose to stand for is the equal dignity of all, regardless
of station, standing, intelligence, ability, whatever it might be. That acknowledgment
that in every human being, in every human life, there is present a kernel of
God's word and divinity that must be respected by every human will and power
whatsoever. But once we embrace the abortion lie, we throw away that truth
that is the foundation of our justice.” ·
March 8, 2000, Renew America rally at the McKay
Events Center, Orem, Utah
(transcript and video) Excerpt: “No matter how you cut it, the betrayal of our moral
principles undermines our sense of moral self-respect. It undercuts our moral
confidence. It makes us susceptible to the arguments to which we are talked
out of liberty and into an ever-expanding government power. “And I
believe that there is only one right answer to this crisis. It is a simple
and clear one, but it will be difficult, I think. For, we must return our
allegiance to the fundamental principle that makes us free. We must apply
that principle consistently to the great issues of our times--starting with
abortion. We must go forward without shame and with courage and boldness to
represent to the American people, as we are suppose to represent to the
world, the great truth that our rights come from God, and must be exercised
with respect for the authority of God. “If we are
willing to restore that moral foundation for our liberty, then we will come
again into our own in the way of moral self-respect and self-confidence. We
will stand against those arguments which suggest that, if we control the
decisions in the community, in the schools, in the money, the world will
deteriorate, because we know that there is no need to fear the sovereignty of
a people who acknowledge the sovereignty of God.” ·
March 2, 2000, Republican Presidential Debate, Los
Angeles (transcript and video) Excerpt: “I think the most
important way to stop the coarsening of our culture is to return that culture
to its basic moral principle. I think the most incredible coarsening of
American life occurs when we sanction things like abortion, which are
basically on the argument that might makes right, because the mother has
absolute power over the child, she can dispose of the child's life according
to her will. That notion that you do what you can get away with, that you go
after anything that's successful, that you make your profits exploiting human
lust, greed and whatever effects it might have on the decency of a society
you go forward, that is what is destroying us.” ·
February 7, 2000, National Press Club speech and
Q&A (transcript and video) Excerpt: “The pro-life principle
is clear: that child's life in the womb is not a matter for human choice,
because as a matter of American principle it is understood that the right to
life, along with our other unalienable rights, is based not on human choice,
but on the choice of our Creator, God. A power beyond our power, a will
beyond our will.” ·
January 26, 2000, New Hampshire Republican
Presidential Debate
(transcript) Excerpt: “It is God's choice that
that child is in the womb. And for us to usurp that choice in contradiction
of our Declaration principles is just as wrong. Therefore, how can you take
the position that would subject such a choice to a family conference or any
other human choice? Isn't it God's choice that protects the life of that child in the womb?” ·
January 13, 2000, Proudly Pro-life Dinner
(transcript) Excerpt: “To secure the blessings of
liberty by killing the posterity? It's a very interesting thought. I guess
you're liberating them from life. It doesn't work. And the cause in which we
gather here today, the cause that reaches the lives of those individual
children, is a cause that therefore touches upon the future in a direct way:
in the voices that will not be heard, the work that will not be done, the
strong hearts that will not stand up to be counted for justice in any way,
the songs unsung, the poems unwritten, the beauty of God's mind that shall
ever be locked away in secret from us because we killed those who would have
been the messengers. “In that way we kill our
future. But more directly, we kill the future of our country and our liberty
by destroying that moral foundation without which it cannot survive. What is
at stake, therefore, in our pro-life cause is the future of our nation, but
also the future of everything good that our nation has brought and will bring
to this world.” ·
December 10, 1999, National Guard Armory Pro-life
Rally (transcript and video) Excerpt: “Now, I've gone
through this kind of long preface because I don't think you can understand
the significance of the issues that we confront today, deriving from all of
these various ways in which the regime of abortion and the culture of death
are working themselves out in our lives, we can't understand any of these
things, in their true implications, if we don't continually remind ourselves
of what I've just said--and therefore of the relationship between our moral
principles and our national identity, between what we believe to be just and
who we are as a people. Once we understand that connection, we realize that
whatever their specious arguments that are used to justify the abandonment of
those moral principles, whatever it is they're ‘offering’ us in
exchange, what we're giving up is far more precious and important than
anything they can offer us.” ·
October 22, 1999, “Arguing abortion” (WorldNetDaily essay) Excerpt: “I understand that many people assume that my own absolute rejection of
the abortion doctrine implies an absolute condemnation of those who defend it,
or even those who cannot find the will or understanding to stand with me to
oppose it. And I agree that it would be a mistake to conclude that all those
who accept abortion take equally immoral stances on every issue. But I
emphatically disagree that the solution is to cooperate in the effort to put
abortion on the back burner. Continuing to raise the issue is actually a sign
of our deep respect and concern not only for the unborn, but for those who
right now reject the pro-life position.” ·
June 18, 1999, “Renewing America's Moral
(transcript) Excerpt: “I believe that this whole
business of abortion has poisoned the wellspring of America's conscience and
moral self-confidence, and led us to believe that, yes, we are a depraved
people incapable any longer of turning liberty into a just and decent
society.” ·
January 23, 1999, Conservative Political Action
Conference (transcript) Excerpt: “I have, as you know, a
fairly broad background. I have been involved in foreign policy. I have been
involved in budget issues. I could stand up here and tell you what you want
to hear, probably a little bit better than most other people, on any issue
you want. Why is it that instead I have spent and will spend every chance I
get, before you and every other audience in this country, emphasizing one
fact? We are in the midst of a moral crisis; we must return to the
fundamental moral principles that this country was based on. We must address
the issues that involve our rejection and destruction of those principles,
starting with the issue of abortion and the need to reverse Roe vs. Wade, and
get ourselves back on track in terms of our Declaration principles.” ·
November 20, 1998, “Our Conservative
Principles: The Path to Victory” (transcript) Excerpt: “And that means that at
the top of our agenda we have to deal with those issues that corrupt our moral
heart, starting . . . not ending . . . starting, and without embarrassment,
addressing the issue of abortion first and foremost. That issue represents
the corrupt principle that we can substitute human choice for God's choice in
the determination of human rights and human worth. That is a vicious lie, and
on that vicious lie this republic will flounder if we do not tackle it, front
and center, now.” ·
June 12, 1998, Address to the Iowa Republican Party
Convention (transcript) Excerpt: “If God Almighty is the
source of our rights, if His authority is what gives us the right to lay
claim to our liberty, then it is quite clear that an issue like abortion is
not just a political hot potato. It's not just a question for situational
ethics. It's not a question you decide by analyzing the mother's
circumstances and the child's state of development. It's a question that was
decided for us when this nation began.
Our rights come from the choice of God, not from our mother's choice.
We have no right to take the lives of unborn children in the womb. We will
not restore America's conscience until we bring abortion to an end in this
country!” ·
March 1998 Speech to the New Jersey Right to Life
Conference (transcript) Excerpt: “And now I watch as those
who claimed, over the years, to be fighting for the dignity and liberation
and the right treatment of women in the workplace and elsewhere stand
silently by while fresh example upon fresh example heap up on the doorstep of
the highest places of the land. And they silently pretend that they should
look away because, "Well, this person has been so good for women."
I actually think that they should have been given pause before now, but many
of them being on the wrong side of the abortion issue, it never occurred to
them that it is impossible to say that somebody is good for women if they are
not good for the children they bear in their womb.” ·
November 20, 1997, Focus on the Family speech to the
physicians conference (transcript
and audio) Excerpt: “Somebody's going to have
to explain to me, one of these days, why it is that we believe that it
changes something when we apply a label to it from Latin or Greek. What is
the Latin word for ‘infant?’
‘Fetus.’ Why does an infant cease to be a human being
because you call it a ‘fetus’? Why does an infant just born, a
newborn, cease to be a baby because you call it a ‘neonate?’ And
why is the act of taking its life no longer murder because you translate it
into a dead language? Dead
language. Dead baby. Is this an equation? I don't think so.” ·
August 11, 1996, “Declaration Principles
Reborn” (transcript) Excerpt: “And of course the issue
that represents it most starkly, the abortion issue, puts it right there in
the most intimate form of all. And they stand up and make the argument in
that form as well: "Well, this body, it belongs to you, it's your choice,
and you get to decide." And then you have to go back and look at that
Declaration and ask yourself not how it applies to this government and that
law and that politics, but how does it apply to us?” ·
January 27, 1996, Speech to the Louisiana Republican
Convention (transcript) Excerpt: “And He is clear. If that is where we stand, then some things are pretty
clear. When they come to us in the abortion doctrine, and they say that they
will substitute the woman's choice for God's choice in determining the
humanity of an unborn child, I will look them in the eye, and I will say,
‘You stand with that false god of choice, I will stand with the God of
justice!’" ·
November 4, 1995, Black Americans for Life Banquet
(transcript) Excerpt: “Now
why do I go through all of this? See, I go through it all because I think
it's important that, when we are thinking about the most important issues we
face, we do so in the context of the most important principles we represent.
'Cause I think in the end that's how you define the most important issues,
isn't it? The most important threats, the most important dangers, the most
important problems are those which especially undermine and threaten those
principles which are most important to your existence. “And I believe that's why
we're here tonight. I know that's what keeps me going every day. And I also
know that it is the reason why the cause in which we have gathered must
ultimately prevail. For, this is the simple truth of America's situation. We
must reject the destructive logic of abortion, or we will lose our
Republic. There is no middle
ground. This Republic rests on the premise that rights and freedom come from
God. The notion of abortion rights rests on the premise that the humanity and
rights of the child come from its mother's choice. And you can't have it both
ways. It's either human choice or God's choice that is the foundation for our
liberty.” ·
Video: Alan Keyes on abortion and stem cell research
Video: America’s
Moral Challenge ·
September 17, 2007, Values Voter Ft. Lauderdale
presidential debate
(transcript and video) Excerpt: “Well, actually, it was a
policy of the Mexico City Population Conference. I was the deputy chairman of
the delegation. I actually negotiated the language into the final resolution
at that conference.” ·
September 26, 2010, Wikipedia entry ·
March 29, 2005, “Jeb Bush is courting
dereliction of duty”
(WorldNetDaily essay) Excerpt: “Since Florida's highest law grants him supreme executive
power, the governor's action would be lawful. No one in the Florida judiciary
can say otherwise, since the whole basis for the doctrine of judicial review
(which they invoked when they refused to apply "Terri's law") is
that any law at variance with the constitution is no law at all. “Gov. Bush
has said that he recognizes the injustice being done to Terri Schiavo but is
powerless to stop it. He is
obviously not powerless, and his view of injustice is fully warranted.” ·
March 24, 2005, “Alan Keyes: In defense of Terri Schiavo” (WorldNetDaily essay) Excerpt: “Despite action by the Congress
to create an opportunity for the federal courts to review and correct the violation
of Terri Schiavo's most basic rights, the latest effort to prevent her
judicially sanctioned murder by starvation appears to be headed for failure.
This is just the latest and the most poignantly tragic instance of judicial
abuse tending to corrupt and destroy the moral fabric of the nation. Despite
the outward appearance of deliberation, what we witness now as an ongoing
feature of the conduct of the judiciary at every level amounts to a judicial
riot, in which judges and justices take it upon themselves to disregard the
prerogatives of the other branches in order to assert an exclusive and
tyrannical control of public standards and conduct. Why is this
happening?” ·
October 24, 2004, Alan Keyes speech Life Chain
rally, Christ Hospital in Illinois (transcript and video) Excerpt: “When you have a choice
between someone who stands in defense of innocent life and someone who seeks
to extend the principle of abortion, even to the killing of fully-born babies
outside the womb, let nobody in this state deny that that’s not just
conservative versus liberal, Republican versus Democrat, that is GOOD versus
EVIL and every conscience has to understand the truth.” “There’s a direct
link here between the practice of abortion that suppresses our allegiance to
the future in the womb and the collapse right now, this minute, of the lives
of so many of our children in the world.
Abortion hardens America’s
heart. And as our heart
hardens, we turn our backs on the silent cry that comes to us from the future
as we extinguish the light that ought to be born now to enlighten it. This is the real meaning of abortion,
and it’s why I don’t feel the least bit of
compunction.” ·
August 8, 2004, U.S. Senate candidacy announcement
for Illinois (transcript and video) Excerpt: “What finally caught my eye, however, and what we have to
spend some time thinking through so that we will understand, not just the
significance of the decision I have taken, but the significance of this
election overall, what we have to look at is what finally arrested my
attention and forced me to consider whether I not only had the opportunity to
oppose him [Barack Obama], but the obligation. “And that was
when I learned that he had actually, in April 2002, apparently cast a vote
that would continue to allow live
birth abortions in the state of Illinois. “. . . . And
we have to understand. I hope everyone here will understand what I'm talking
about. We are talking about a
situation in which, in the course of an abortion procedure, a child has been
born alive—is out of the
womb, breathing and living on its own—and he cast a vote against the
idea that we should not stand by
and let that child die!” ·
Video: Keyes / Obama
debates 2004 ·
Video: “Alan Keyes Condemns PBA Ban Ruling,”
Colorado ·
Audio: Dr. Keyes on KHOW and Alan Keyes with Kevin Swanson,
Colorado ·
November 4, 2006, Mt. Rushmore pro-life rally (transcript and video) Excerpt: “They have attacked our fundamental institutions, and they
have attacked our moral character directly with this lie that we have the
right to take the life of our innocent children. Now, interestingly enough,
this occurred, of course, in a Supreme Court decision. The last time I
looked, the Supreme Court has to derive the basis for its decisions either
from laws that have been passed by the Congress—federal laws—or
from the Constitution. So, we must look at the law. We must look at the
Constitution to find out where they've grounded themselves in this matter.
There was, of course, no law that allowed abortion. They claimed that they
found it somewhere in the Constitution--or rather, that isn't what Blackmun
claimed, no. Blackmun actually claimed that he found nothing in the
Constitution that protected the life of that child in the womb—that
established that that child must be treated as a person. He even went
so far to declare that if, in fact, you could, from the Constitution, show
that the life of that child in the womb must be respected as the life of a
person, then the claim of Roe would fail--that's what he said--and there
would be no abortion in this land. “But he
looked—or maybe his clerks looked, I don't know who wrote it—but
they looked through the Constitution the way a sophomore would when he was
preparing a little paper for school. “And he found
every reference to the word "person," and it turned out that there
was no context in the Constitution in which the word "person"
referred to a child in the womb. Now, that's interesting. It's a frame of
government. Government usually involves adult people, and therefore they
didn't find any reference to child in the womb in there. Isn't that
interesting? Of course, they didn't find a reference to eight-year-old
children, either, and seven-year-olds and five-year-olds. So, does that mean
we have the right to slay them also? I sincerely doubt that. But even so,
this was his way of reasoning, and as a result of not finding any reference
to person, he emancipated himself from the Constitution, started a review of
all kinds of laws and practices and philosophies, and religious opinions, because
he acknowledged that this decision about abortion had always been made, in
every society, throughout the history of humankind in connection with the
faith and moral conscience of the people. Isn't that fascinating? “But he
decided that he would take the place of the faith and conscience of
the American people and substitute for their deliberations his own arbitrary
conclusion that the "law," as he put it, did not recognize the
personhood of the child in the womb.” ·
September 17, 2007, Values Voter Ft. Lauderdale
presidential debate (transcript
and video) Excerpt: “I think the first and
most important thing that we would do is champion an amendment to the United
States Constitution that makes it crystal clear that the right to life of all
human beings, from conception to natural death, must be respected. It's
simple. It's clear. It must be done.” Notre Dame
Obama protest – May 2009 ·
May 14, 2009, “The Notre Dame Scandal—A
Brief Report” (essay
at LoyaltoLiberty.com) Excerpt: “They react with forceful abuses of their
authority because they cannot properly defend their action in terms of the
laws of God and the teachings of the Catholic Church. They therefore
substitute force for persuasion.
In this too they honor evil, by imitating its methods.” ·
Video Part I:
Dr. Alan Keyes Trespass Warning, Notre Dame ·
Video Part II:
Dr. Alan Keyes Trespass Warning, Notre Dame ·
Video: Dr. Keyes’ arrest—raw footage ·
May 9, 2009, Pass The Salt, Alan Keyes (exclusive) speaks of his
arrest at Notre Dame ·
Video: 2009 Hannity
interview on Fox News: Part
1, Part 2 Crisis
Pregnancy Center speeches ·
March 2006, Hope Crisis Pregnancy Center (transcript and audio) Excerpt: “Second point is that, if you acknowledge the existence of
God, and then with contempt for His authority, do what you please, then you
are saying that the authority of God doesn't matter. And if the authority of
God doesn't matter, why should I respect the rights that come from Him if I
have the power to do otherwise. “I think it's
fairly straightforward. We can't sustain liberty in this country. We can't
sustain self-government, if we turn our back on God. We can't sustain our
claim to rights, if we do not acknowledge the authority of God when we
approach the rights of others, beginning with the rights of our very own
offspring in the womb.” |
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